Prof. Dr. Richard Dronskowski

Chair of Solid-state and Quantum Chemistry



EN The following links give access to further information. In case these sites are provided by third parties, RWTH Aachen University is not responsible for their contents.

DE Die nachfolgenden Verweise bieten weitere Informationen. Sofern diese von Drittanbietern bereitgestellt werden, übernimmt die RWTH Aachen keine Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Seiten.

RWTH Aachen 

link COHP
Our website dealing with the Crystal Orbital Hamilton Population (COHP) technique for energy-resolved chemical-bonding analysis in periodic systems

link Collegium Musicum der RWTH
RWTH Aachen's symphony orchestra and chorus

link Computational Chemistry Coalition
The Computational Chemistry Coalition at Aachen, one of RWTH's competence centers

link Fachgruppe Chemie
The Chemistry Division at RWTH Aachen University

link Fachschaft Chemie
The local organization of the Aachen chemistry students

link RWTH Aachen
The main website of RWTH Aachen University, including a little Aachen information, the (internal) RWTH phone directory, and many other things


link Alemannia Aachen
How do you translate "ruhmreicher Traditionsverein"?

link City of Aachen
The main website of the city of Aachen with a plethora of information (such as cultural activities); for Aachen tourism, have a look at this website.


link Airport Cologne (CGN)
International Airport Cologne (distance: 84 km)

link Airport Düsseldorf (DUS)
International Airport Düsseldorf (distance: 100 km)

link Airport Maastricht-Aachen (MAS)
Airport Maastricht-Aachen (distance: 40 km); Professor Dronskowski's favorite airport, very close, small and convenient, with excellent domestic service to Amsterdam (Schiphol) International Airport (AMS)

link ASEAG
The Aachen public (bus) transportation system

link Deutsche Bahn AG
German railroad


link American Chemical Society (ACS)
The American Chemical Society

link Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie
Working Association Theoretical Chemistry

link Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kristallographie (DGK)
The German Crystallographic Society

link Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG)
The German Physical Society

link Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh)
The German Chemical Society

link World Association of Theoretically Oriented Chemists (WATOC)
a pretty self-explanatory title...


Whenever you want to do research, you need money for that. Nobody likes to write funding applications but that's the way it is. On the one side, there is never enough money available for fundamental research! On the other side, however, we have profited (and still do) from a number of funding institutions which thought that providing research money to the Dronskowski group wouldn't be such a bad idea; thank you!

link Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (AvH)
A very famous and prestigious German funding organization; informative website, in particular for those potential postdocs from abroad who want to work with us.

link Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
The German Science Foundation

link Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)
The German Academic Exchange Service, important for those people who would like to study in Germany.

link Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
Funding by the German Chemical Industry Association

link New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO)
Japan's largest public R&D management organization for promoting the development of advanced industrial, environmental, new energy and energy conservation technologies

link Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
The German National Academic Foundation providing scholarships for excellent students

Mixed Pickles 

link Borussia Dortmund
Die Macht in Westfalen

link Forschungsgruppe Deutsche Sprache (FDS)
Competent, up-to-date and politically independent (from Kultusministerkonferenz) coverage of the disastrous German spelling reform and what to do after one decade of experimental orthography

link Friedrich Arthur Uebel Klarinetten
A famous German clarinet manufacturer with a proud tradition dating back to the year 1878; this is how clarinets should look like (Oehler, not Boehm system)

link Grammatisches Telefon
Grammatisches Telefon der RWTH Aachen (Professor Stetter)

link International Clarinet Association
Clarinet lovers and players all over the globe

News & Newspapers 

link BBC World Service

link Deutsche Welle

link Deutschlandfunk

link Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

link Reuters (Germany)

link Tagesschau

link The New York Times

Journals (Chemistry & Physics) 

link Advanced Functional Materials

link Advanced Materials

link Angewandte Chemie International Edition

link Chemical Communications

link Chemistry - A European Journal

link ChemPhysChem

link European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry

link Inorganic Chemistry

link International Journal of Quantum Chemistry

link Journal of Alloys and Compounds

link Journal of Computational Chemistry

link Journal of Materials Chemistry

link Journal of Physical Chemistry B

link Journal of Solid State Chemistry

link Journal of the American Chemical Society

link Physical Review B

link Physical Review Letters

link Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie

link Zeitschrift für Kristallographie

link Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B

> Weblinks
Links to other websites with additional information
> Quotes
> Lunch
Mensa Academica

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